Tea Room
Please join us in our Tea Room during the Fringe for tea and delicious, freshly baked scones. 1:00 to 5:00PM during the Fringe, except Sundays Tea & Scone $5 Juice & Cookies for children $2 We hope to see you there!...
Yoga at the Fringe
Join theatre director/dramaturg and certified yoga instructor Tracy Carroll for play and energizing yoga classes. Start your day with breathing, stretching and strengthening exercises to calm the mind and soothe the soul, preparing you for the rest of your Fringe-filled day! August 18, 19, 25, and 26 at 11:00AM...
FRINGE Hospitality for Casts and Crew
All casts and crew members are welcome to participate in the following list of activities that will happen at Holy Trinity during the Fringe Festival! Actor’s Commissary We will have our main floor kitchen by the Upper Hall filled with food and drinks open to everyone in the casts!...
FRINGE Festival Signup
Fringe FOH, Concession, Lemonade stand and Tea Room signup! We need Fringe volunteers. Front of House shifts range from 1 ½ hours to 3hours and involve “putting in” 2 to 3 shows per shift. You can sign up on https://www.signupgenius.com. We also need concession, lemonade stand and tea room volunteers. There...
The Fringe Festival comes to Holy Trinity, Aug. 17-27
The Fringe Festival returns to Holy Trinity BYOV’s this August 17 to 27, and you’re invited. The de Villars Jones LLP Stage The Cool Air Rentals Stage The Sanctuary Stage sponsored by Francis Price and Marguerite Trussler All venues are located at 10037 84 Avenue NW in...
Fringe BYOVs Available at Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity has space available for Fringe Performances, and we’d love to hear from you! Please email Byron Martin with the title of your show, a brief synopsis, cast size, and any special requirements you have for the venue. We’d love to have you part of the Holy Trinity BYOVs! To...
Messy Picnic at the Fringe
Join us for a Messy Picnic at the Fringe! Sunday, August 21 at 2:30PM in the church garden. Holy Trinity Anglican Church 10037 84 Ave. NW Edmonton This will be fun for the whole family and a great chance to play together! You may even have a chance to...
Clergy Grill
Clergy Grill Monday, August 15th 5:30 to 7:00PM No we’re not grilling the clergy, but the clergy of Holy Trinity are putting some fine grilling on the BBQ! It’s a free grill for the neighbours and community people around Holy Trinity. Everyone is invited to come on...
Fringe Festival 2016
The Fringe Festival returns to Holy Trinity BYOV’s this August 11 to 21. Venue 14: The Kunitz Shoes Stage at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Venue 15: The Cool Air Rentals Stage at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Venue 16: The Sanctuary Stage at Holy Trinity Anglican Church All...
Fringe Festival 2015
The Edmonton Fringe Festival comes to Holy Trinity! August 13 to 23, 2015 At Holy Trinity, our desire is to “make Christ visible through the arts”, and we work to implement that through various activities all year round, including The Edmonton International Fringe Festival. Come and join...