Tag: Spiritual Formation

Living the Questions: ProFuture Faith

You are invited to join us for a new DVD study this fall! Two options: Tuesday mornings at 11AM or Thursday mornings at 10:30AM. Having “squandered our inheritance on profligate living,” we are a prodigal species. Industrial civilization and our insatiable appetites have us hurtling toward irreversible consequences –...

Proverbs Bible Study

Beginning on Tuesday, May 7th from 11am-12pm join Rev. Danielle in the Commons area as we explore weekly the book of Proverbs! All are welcome and encouraged to join us as we dive into the amazing guide to living wisely that is the Book of Proverbs!...

Speaker Series

Speaker Series: Please join us for an exciting and enlightening lecture-discussion series on monthly Saturday mornings at Holy Trinity. 30 minute lecture followed by 30 minutes of discussion. Refreshments provided. 11am to 12pm in the Upper Hall. Feb. 16: Social Justice and Trinitarian Theology (Clark Hardy) Mar. 9: Celtic...

After Dark: Sex Salon, January 19

Saturday, January 19, 7:00PM Upper Hall at Holy Trinity (10037 84 Ave. NW Edmonton) “God, Poetry, & Sex” – This After Dark salon will use a creative component to help find words to express the relationship between God and sex. After brainstorming the differences between erotic desire and love,...


#AdventWord starts on Sunday, December 2 Members of the Society of St John the Evangelist are again offering their creative Advent devotional project, AdventWord. Participants are invited to receive a word each day during Advent by email and then to respond to the word using the hashtag #AdventWord on...

After Dark: Sex Salon, November 16

After Dark: Sex Salon Join us for this adult-only, three-part speaker series as we explore the relationship between sexuality, faith and our understanding of God. Each evening will run 1 hour – a 30-minute talk followed by 30 minutes of dialogue – featuring speakers from ministerial, feminist and LGBTQ+ backgrounds. Enjoy...

Speaker Series

Holy Trinity Presents: Speaker Series: Please join us for an exciting and enlightening lecture-discussion series on monthly Saturday mornings at Holy Trinity. 30 minute lecture followed by 30 minutes of discussion. Refreshments provided. 11am to 12pm in the Upper Hall.   2018: September 15: What Does Social Justice Mean...

Pub Theology

Pub Theology is back this fall with another series of interesting topics for discussion. All are welcome to join in the conversation on the third Wednesday of each month at The Black Dog Freehouse (downstairs in the Underdog) at 104 St. and 82 Ave. 7:00 to 9:00PM. 2018: September...

Rally Sunday – September 9

Please join us on Rally Sunday, September 9th. This will be the start of all our fall programming, and time to register your children for Kids Church. Please also join us for breakfast after the 10:30 service. Our fantastic youth will be serving up some delicious food for everyone!...

Holy Week Services, March 28 to April 1

An invitation to walk with Christ      Your neighbours at Holy Trinity Anglican Church request the honour of your presence at Holy Week Services, March 28th to April 1st. Please join with us as we seek to celebrate God’s love, to enjoy fellowship together, and to be reminded that God’s love in Christ makes...