Coming Events

In addition to Holy Trinity hosted events and special services, Holy Trinity is the venue of choice for many community events including concerts, theatre productions, meetings, fundraisers, and all sorts of other group events. Please see below for a listing of services and events happening at Holy Trinity. Click on any event/date below to learn more about it!
To learn more about our weekly services and service times, please click here.
If you are interested in booking Holy Trinity for an event, please visit our Venue Rentals page.
Events Calendar:
September 28, 2022
Bible Study: 1 Corinthians
September 28, 2022
Paul’s First Letter to the Church in Corinth deals with a variety of issues in the church, pertinent in both Paul’s time and ours. Participants will be asked to read a section of the letter before each session, and then discuss questions arising from the week’s selection in the group. This study will help give an appreciation for the struggles of the very earliest church, and how many of them continue to be issues 20 centuries later. 12 Wednesdays, from 10:30 to 11:30 AM, beginning September 21. A detailed study guide is available through the church office.
Book Study: Jesus Feminist
September 28, 2022
Join Danielle and Rob for a 6 session study as we explore the meaning and implications of "Jesus Feminist - An Invitation to Revisit the Bible's View of Women: Exploring God's Radical Notion that Women are People, Too"! We will meet on Zoom on Wednesday nights at
7pm beginning on Wednesday, September 21st and will run every Wednesday night up until October 26th. The book can be purchased HERE or borrowed through the Edmonton Public Library. For more information or for the Zoom link, please contact the church office: