New Lay Leadership @ HTAC
At a special meeting of Parishioners held on June 5, 2011 new wardens, synod delegates and vestry members were appointed and elected at Holy Trinity. Dr. Stephen Duckett was appointed as Rector’s Warden, Adrian Peetoom was elected as People’s Warden and Dwight Bliss, Q.C. was elected as Associate Warden. HTAC Treasurer John de Haan was elected to fill a one year vacancy on vestry in the class of 2012. Elected to serve as vestry officers in the class of 2013 were Adam Conway, Dr. Stephen Martin, Joseph Hartwell and Andrea Hamilton. Elected to represent HTAC at Synod as delegates were Dr. Stephen Duckett, Dwight Bliss, Q.C., Dr. Andrew Macmillan and Ann Matheson.
These individual will join the continuing members of the class of 2012 who are Dr. Andrew Macmillan, Ann Matheson and Margaret Macpherson along with the Reverend Dr. Christopher Pappas and the Reverend Jonathan Crane to constitute the vestry of HTAC.