Stained Glass Windows

All who enter Holy Trinity cannot help but be affected by the beauty of the stained glass windows. They not only provide memorials for former clergy and parishioners but also provide a visual reminder of the beauty of God and our worship of God.
The East Sanctuary Windows (Front of Sanctuary)

Situated directly above the Altar, the centre window portrays our Blessed Lord as the Good Shepherd, holding a lamb in His right arm and a pastoral staff in His left hand. On the left hand side (gospel side) stands St. Peter, holding the keys of the kingdom in his right hand and the Word of God in his left hand. On the right hand side (epistle side) stands John the beloved disciple, holding a stylus (pen) in his right hand and a Gospel book in his left hand.
Dedication: This triptych was given in loving memory of Catherine O’Halloran Goslin. Her daughter, Mrs. John H. Tranter, donated these windows and they were erected in time for the opening services in the building (October 12, 1913). The outside lights which illuminate these windows were given by Annie McGregor in memory of her husband, John Craig.
The South Sanctuary Windows

St. Paul (Left Window): St. Paul is portrayed holding a closed book in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. The book reminds us of Paul’s immense contribution to the New Testament with his epistles comprising the vast majority of the letters written therein. The sword is a symbol of the “sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” Another symbol found here is the anchor, along with the text, “I have kept the faith,” symbolizing Christ as the anchor of our souls as well as Paul’s own shipwreck experience.
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of the Rev. Graham George Reynolds, Rector of Holy Trinity 1927-1941. It was erected by his wife, Katherine Muriel, and his three children, John, Robert, and Elizabeth. The family selected this particular location as it is immediately above where Rev. Reynolds so often sat.

St. Luke (Right Window): St. Luke is portrayed holding a staff in his right hand and an open gospel book in his left hand. The top of the staff has two serpents entwined with their heads pointed upwards with a pair of wings attached. This symbol is known as the Caduceus and is a distinctive mark of heralds and ambassadors among the ancient Greeks. There are also those that believe that the bearer of this type of staff was a peace commissioner. This is also the symbol used by many in the medical profession. Luke was all of these things: a herald, an ambassador for Christ, a preacher of peace, and a practicing physician. The book open, as well as the scrolls and lamps in this window, symbolize Luke’s role as an Evangelist. This window also includes the traditional symbol associated with the Gospel of St. Luke.
Dedication: This window, like the window portraying St. Paul, is a memorial to the Rev. Graham George Reynolds, Rector of Holy Trinity 1927-1941. The donors included many surviving members of the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry, in which Rev. Reynolds himself served, as well as members of the Canadian Legion, the 19th Alberta Dragoons, the Legion of Frontiersmen, and the Edmonton Fusiliers, all of which Rev. Reynolds served as Chaplain.
The Chancel Windows

St. Mark (Left Window): St. Mark is portrayed holding an open Bible in his hands giving the impression that he is both reading and expounding the contents. The open Bible has always been an important symbol in the life of the Church, particularly since the time of its translation into the common language of the people. This window includes the traditional symbol associated with the Gospel of St. Mark as well as the text, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord,” bringing notice to the ministry of John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus Himself.
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of the Rev. Canon Christopher Carruthers, Rector of Holy Trinity 1912-1927. It was erected by the congregation and friends on an initiative led by Mrs. Mary May. The window was dedicated by Archdeacon W.M. Nainby, Rector from 1942-1958.

St. Matthew (Right Window): St. Matthew is portrayed holding a book in his hands as if displaying it. In the background, the artist has included the entrance to a town in Palestine – possible Capernaum (where Jesus’s ministry began) or Jerusalem (where Jesus’s ministry ended). This window includes the traditional symbol associated with the Gospel of St. Matthew as well as the text, “Blessed are the pure in heart” from the Sermon on the Mount recorded in St. Matthew’s Gospel. The axe shown in this panel is a symbol of coming judgment and calls us to ongoing repentance.
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of members of the Shaw family (Arthur Shaw and Ann Elizabeth Shaw) and their many descendants. It was erected in 1978 by Lillian Morris (née Shaw), one of Arthur and Ann Elizabeth’s daughters. The window was dedicated by Rev. Dr. Thomas Leadbeater on December 24, 1978.
The West Window (Above the Main Entry Doors)

This window portrays the Ascension of the Lord, often referred to as His Coronation, and proclaims Christ to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The window dramatically portrays the presence of God in shafts of light (top centre) in which are visible the cherubim and seraphim. On either side, there is an angel bearing a ribboned inscription: “Alleluia, Alleluia” on the left and “Holy, Holy, Holy” on the right. Above all is the Dove – the symbol of the Spirit of God and also of peace. On either side are Greek letters Alpha and Omega – representing God as the Beginning and the End.
In the lower section of this window, Christ is the central figure, standing between heaven and earth. The disciples, in varying postures, and angels are all looking up to Christ as Christ is raising His hands in blessing.
Dedication: This window was erected in time for the opening services in the building (October 12, 1913). This window was the gift of several parishioners:
- Three Central Panels: These panels were given in loving memory of Emelie Besler Mellon by her children Emelie, Alice, John, and Fred.
- Left Panel: This panel was given in loving memory of David Jones who was Rector of Holy Trinity in 1910 for a period of three months prior to his death. The window was given by his uncle, W.R. James, and friends.
- Right Panel: This panel was given in loving memory of Frederick George Wheeler Grundy, who was born in December 1908 and died in April 1913. The window was given by his parents, Frederick Wheeler Grundy and Bertha Beatrice Jones Grundy.

The Nave Windows: The eight windows located in the main body of the church (the nave) are not arranged in any particular order. They are similar in style with the centre panel presenting an event in the life of Jesus Christ (or a related theme) and the side panels giving supporting texts from Scripture. For the purposes of the descriptions below, the nave windows are presented in chronological order.
The Nativity

The Holy Family is portrayed in the stable in Bethlehem with the animals nearby – the ox, the donkey, and the lamb – all having symbolic significance. The text in the centre panel is taken from St. Matthew’s Gospel. The texts on either side give emphasis to the nature of Christ’s birth and His nativity.
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of Roland and Salome Wood who were tragically killed in a car accident on September 8, 1956. The window was erected by their children, John and Marjorie.
The Epiphany

In this window, the Christ child is held in a sitting position on the lap of His mother, Mary. Joseph stands behind her and the three wise men present their gifts. The gifts the wise men present all have symbolic meaning: Gold to symbolize Christ’s royalty, Incense to symbolize His Priesthood, and Myrrh to symbolize His death and entombment. The central text is taken from the Gospel of St. Matthew and the side texts bring attention to the giving of gifts, not only in respect to the gifts the wise men presented, but also the gifts from God through Jesus Christ.
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of W. Bailey C. and Violet A.G. Chamberlain, both of whom were active in the Holy Trinity community throughout theirs lives. The window was erected by their daughter Violet.
The Light of the World

This window is a stained glass reproduction of William Holman Hunt’s famous painting of Jesus as the Light of the World. This is an allegorical representation of Jesus knocking at the door of the human soul. Jesus is portrayed as holding His right hand out as if to knock at a door. The door is overgrown with briars and weeds and must be opened from the other side. In His left hand, Jesus holds a lantern symbolizing Him as light. Also of note is the unusual crown symbolizing both Christ’s suffering and His Kingship and the cope over His vesture (cloak) to symbolize His office as High Priest.
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of Edward and Charlotte Hinds and William James Melrose. The window was erected by Charlotte Elizabeth Melrose in 1944. Charlotte was daughter to Edward and Charlotte Hinds and wife to William Melrose. In 1953, following the death of Charlotte Melrose, a brass plate was added by the congregation to this window in memory of her many contributions to the parish.
Jesus At Bethany

This window portrays Jesus sitting at a table while Mary sits at his feet. This event is recorded in the Gospel of St. Luke and reminds us of our calling to listen to the words of the Lord and meditate upon those words. The text in the right panel is from the book of Nehemiah and reminds us of the story of Ezra reading and interpreting the word of God. The left panel includes the Women’s Auxiliary emblem and their motto reminding us to faithfully serve Christ.
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of Mary A. Ord, a longtime member of the parish and the Women’s Auxiliary. Mary Ord was instrumental in saving the parish in its early days when she generously loaned the church the money needed to make an interest payment on the mortgage. If not for her intervention, the land may have been lost for good. She also then purchased the church’s mortgage at the existing 7% interest rate and reissued it to the church at 3% to help them cope with limited resources. Mary passed away March 1, 1938 at the age of 89.
The Children’s Window

This window portrays Jesus holding a child in His arms while blessing another child who is looking up to Him. This image reminds us of the place and importance of children in the heart and mind of our Saviour. In the account of this story in the Gospel of St. Mark, the disciples rebuked those who brought children to Jesus but Jesus reminds them that children are an important part of the Kingdom of God. The texts shown on the panels reference the sermon on the mount as it is children who best show us what it is to be “pure in heart.”
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of Isobel Wainwright Lister who was born in October 1914 and died in May 1920. The window was erected by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lister. Years later, the building of the Parish Memorial Hall would enclose the outside of the window. Since then, additional lighting has been added to the external side of that window so that it can be properly lit for those attending services.
The Crucifixion

This window portrays the utter solitariness of the Crucifixion of our Blessed Lord. The background to the scene is the city wall of Jerusalem, the event having taken place on the hill Golgotha just outside of Jerusalem. There is no crowd, no soldiers, no disciples, nor others present – all had gone. However, there is a touch of brightness breaking through the darkness. The texts on either side come from the Gospel of St. John and reflect God’s love for his people and the desire to reconcile with them through Christ.
Dedication: This window was given in loving memory of Percy Russell Talbot by his wife, Lila Gertrude Talbot. A few years after Lila’s own passing in 1975, the Sanctuary Guild added Lila’s name to window (in June 1983). This window now serves as a memorial to the couple.
The Resurrection

Rather than portraying the Risen Christ, this window portrays an angel announcing Christ’s resurrection. The texts present in the panels come from the Gospel of St. Matthew. The Baptismal Font is kept by this window as a reminder that, through Baptism, we also experience the resurrection of the Lord.
Dedication: This window was given in memory of Frederick George Forster and his wife, Eva Catherine. The window was first erected and dedicated in 1929, the year of Frederick’s death, as a gift from his wife and his three sons, Waldo, Ralph, and Frederick. Following Eva’s death in 1959, her name was added.

This window serves as a tribute and memorial to those who gave their lives in World War II (the organ was built in 1923 as a memorial for those who died in World War I). The central figure is St. George the Martyr, Patron Saint of England, who is portrayed in full knight’s armour and holding a lance and shield. At his feet lies a slain dragon. This image is a symbol of the triumph of good over evil and, in the context of the church, of Christ’s conquering of Satan. The insignia at the top of each panel symbolizes three military services: the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. Poppies are also included around the side panel texts. These images should serve as a reminder to strive for peace in the name of Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace.
Dedication: This window was the completion of a work done during World War II. There were 298 men and women from the parish who served in the conflict, eight of whom were killed in action. The window was dedicated on Remembrance Sunday, November 12, 1950 by Bishop W.F. Barfoot, Bishop of the Diocese of Edmonton. On the same Sunday, the Honour Roll (1939-1945) was dedicated and unveiled. It hangs to the right of the Remembrance window. The brass plate underneath the window memorializes the eight men who died during the war: Frederick John Boyer, George William Rupert Dalton, James Albert Fairall, James Manning, Robert Molloy, Gordon Harvey Noble, Edmund Cecil Phillips, and Richard Clare Smith.