Casavant Organ

Casavant Organ, op. 978 (installed in 1923)

Holy Trinity houses one of the oldest operating Casavant organs in the Edmonton Area. Built in 1923 and dedicated in 1924, the organ was added as a memorial to those in the parish who died in World War I. In 2012, the church began a multi-year, multi-phase restoration project. The first phase of this project was to replace the aging 1923 console, and commence emergent repair work in the chamber. A 1913 three manual console from Levis Quebec was procured, and restored for use, fitted with the most current Solid State Logic combination system, and installed into the church. The Specification of the instrument is listed below, most Great and Swell ranks are from the original 1923 organ, the Choir organ was installed in the Summer of 2016. Upon completion of this phase, an anonymous donor funded the installation of a new Antiphonal division which was installed in the spring of 2018. The Antiphonal is a 4 stop division, including a horizontal trumpet, which sits under and beside the west window. It is the most photographed part of our instrument, and has significantly enhanced congregational singing support with the foundation stops, as well as a glorious trumpet for organ voluntaries and recitals. It is the only antiphonal organ currently in use on any instrument in Edmonton.

Thanks is given to Alberta Culture and Tourism and the Community Facility Enhancement Program for their generous funding of the organ refurbishment project.

Great (II) (10 stops, 11 ranks, 695 pipes)
8′ Open Diapason I
8′ Open Diapason II
8′ Melodia
8′ Dulciana
4′ Principle
4′ Harmonic Flute
2′ Fifteenth
1 1/3′ Mixture IV
8′ Trumpet (choir)
8′ Horizontal Trumpet (on antiphonal)
Great to Great 4′ (Tablet)
Great Unison Off (Tablet)
Swell to Great 16′ (Tablet)
Swell to Great 4′ (Tablet)
Swell (III) (12 stops, 12 ranks, 747 pipes) Expressive division
16′ Bourdon
8′ Open Diapason
8′ Stopped Diapason
8′ Viola da Gamba
8′ Voix Celeste
4′ Traverse Flute
2′ Piccolo
2′ Plein-Jeu II-III
16′ Bassoon (from oboe)
8′ Trumpet
8′ Oboe
8′ Horizontal Trumpet (on antiphonal)
Swell to Swell 16′ (Tablet)
Swell Unisons off (Tablet)
Swell to Swell 4′ (Tablet)
Choir Organ (I) (14 stops, 11 ranks, 663 pipes) Expressive division
8′ Chimney Flute
8′ Salicional (tapered)
8′ Unda Maris
4′ Spindle Flute
4′ Violina
2 2/3′ Nazard
2′ Flute
1 3/5′ Tierce
1 1/3′ Quintflute
8′ Clarinet
16′ Trombone (from Trumpet)
8′ Trumpet
4′ Clarion (From Trumpet)
8′ Horizontal Trumpet (on antiphonal)
Choir to Choir 4 (Tablet)
Choir Unison off (Tablet)
Choir to Choir 16′ (Tablet)
Swell to Choir 16′ (Tablet)
Swell to Choir 8′ (Tablet)
Swell to Choir 4′ (Tablet)
Pedal (11 stops, 2 ranks, 84 pipes)
32′ Resultant
16′ Open Diapason
16′ Bourdon
16′ Swell Gedeckt
8′ Open Diapason (Great)
8′ Stopped Flute (from Bourdon)
4′ Octave (Great)
16′ Choir Trombone
16′ Swell Bassoon
8′ Choir Trumpet
8′ Horizontal Trumpet (on antiphonal)
Great to Pedal 8′ (tablet)
Swell to Pedal 8′ (tablet)
Swell to Pedal 4′ (tablet)
Choir to Pedal 8′ (tablet)
Choir to Pedal 4′ (tablet)
Antiphonal (floating) (4 stops, 4 ranks, 244 pipes)
8′ Diapason
8′ Gedackt
4′ Octave
8′ Horizontal Trumpet (independent chest)
Antiphonal to Pedal
Antiphonal to Choir
Antiphonal to Swell
Antiphonal to Great
(Antiphonal couplers do not include the Horizontal Trumpet which is available on each division by independent stops)
10 bell Zimbelstern (switched by thumb piston on swell, and toe stud)
Console Features
Solid State Logic Combination System (512 memory levels)
5 Manual pistons (Swell, Great and Choir)
16 General Pistons (thumb pistons and pedal toe studs)
Memory Next and Reverse thumb pistons above stop rails on both sides (Assistant/page turner use)
Memory Next and Reverse thumb pistons on Great
Memory Next thumb pistons on Swell and Choir manual
Memory Next toe studs (2) on both sides of expression pedals
Reversible Gt/Pd, Sw/Pd, Ch/Pd on manuals as thumb pistons, and as toe studs
Reversible 32′ resultant toe stud
Full organ thumb piston and toe stud
Crescendo Pedal (4 programmable settings)
+/- 7 semitone transposer
MIDI available on all manuals and pedals
Total 47 stops, 40 ranks, 2433 pipes
For more information about the instrument, or to find out how to donate to the restoration and renovation of this instrument, please contact the Director of Music.