Building and Grounds

FabCom (Building Maintenance Team): As one of Edmonton’s oldest buildings, there is always work to be done at Holy Trinity! Holy Trinity’s Fabric Committee (FabCom) is a group of parishioners who work to keep the building in good repair. FabCom meets and works on Monday mornings each week. Following a couple hours of work, the FabCom team enjoys a time of coffee and fellowship together. If you would like to join FabCom, please contact the Parish Administrator.

Snow Shoveling: Throughout the winter months, we have a dedicated team of volunteers who shovel the church sidewalks and make sure all sidewalks are safe for everyone onsite. If you would like to join the snow removal team, please contact the Parish Administrator.

Gardening: Holy Trinity features a beautiful flower and vegetable garden. This would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of many enthusiastic gardeners. If you would like to get involved in working in the garden, please contact the Parish Administrator.

Lawn Maintenance: During the summer months, we have a dedicated group of volunteers who mow and trim the church lawn. If you would like to be involved in this rotation, please contact the Parish Administrator.