
Donations: There are multiple ways to donate to the ministry of Holy Trinity – all of which are listed below.
A charitable tax receipt will be provided for all monetary donations made to Holy Trinity Anglican Church. CRA Charity Number: 132259532RR0002
Donation Options:
- Email Money Transfer: From your usual banking application, send an e-Transfer to, and include your name and envelope number in the transfer message. The account is set up for auto-deposit, so there is no need to assign a security question. *If you are a first time e-transfer donor, please include your mailing address in the “memo” portion of the transfer, in order to receive a charitable tax receipt.
- Cash: Cash donations can be dropped off at 10037 84 Avenue NW during regular office hours or during Sunday services. Please do not leave cash donations in the mailbox.
- Cheque: Cheques can be dropped off or mailed to Holy Trinity. Our complete mailing address is 10037 84 AVE NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 2G6.
- Pre-Authorized Debit or Credit: If you would like to donate through pre-authorized credit or debit on a one-time or monthly basis, please contact the Parish Administrator. You will need to fill out a form for this purpose that the office will provide.
- PayPal (or Credit Card through Paypal): PayPal is an established, safe, and secure online payment system used across the world for electronic transactions. If you would like to give through PayPal, please click the “Donate” button below. For general donations, please select “General Fund.” For all other gifts, please select “Other” and include a note about where to designate your gift. IMPORTANT NOTE: The payment confirmation generated during the PayPal process is NOT a receipt for tax purposes. Tax receipts are generated once per year and sent out to donors in early spring. PayPal will ask for your mailing address to ensure we can send you your receipt by mail.