Arts at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity is passionate about the arts and what the arts reveal about the human condition. We believe that art is an important part of how we express our life and our faith. We also believe that the arts serve as a way in which we can interact with God’s mission. As such, we have a large number of HTAC organized arts activities happening at Holy Trinity as well as being a sought-after venue for a variety of community arts groups.
To learn more about our arts initiatives, please read below. To view our coming events, please click here.

Holy Trinity Concert Series: The Concert Series features professional musicians or musical ensembles in a variety of musical disciplines. The Concert Series runs throughout the year – most notably throughout the season of Lent. Each Tuesday during Lent (six weeks following Ash Wednesday), concerts are offered in the Sanctuary at 12:00PM-1:00PM. Audience is welcome to bring their lunch and eat during this noontime concert. All concerts part of the Concert Series are free to attend (donations accepted). A listing of all events, including Concert Series offerings, can be found here. If you would like to be considered as a performer for a Lenten concert, please contact the Music Director.

First Fridays Open Stage: Open Stage provides a relaxed, safe, and supportive environment for all to perform. Open Stage is held on the First Friday of every month 7:30PM-10:00PM in the Lower Hall (September through June) at Holy Trinity (10037 84 Avenue NW). Please enter through the Garden Door. Open Stage is free for all to attend – performers and audience alike! Learn more about Open Stage by clicking here.

Trinity Gallery: Every so often, the Upper Hall at Holy Trinity becomes the Trinity Gallery. This large (1500 sq ft), well lit hall has high ceilings and 68 lineal feet of wall and serves as an excellent exhibition space. Artists are invited to submit proposals to the Arts Commission at Holy Trinity (by email). Each submitted proposal should contain at least 4 images, and a short description of the artist and the proposed exhibition. Exhibitions usually take place over a two-week interval with an initial showing on the first Saturday and gallery visits by appointment coordinated with the Parish Administrator. Artists must provide proof of insurance for showings at Holy Trinity or purchase third-party insurance (details available by contacting the Bookings Administrator). There is no rental fee for the space for art exhibitions, but a 10% commission on all sales will be retained by the Gallery.
Upcoming Shows at the Trinity Gallery:
Ben Sures -March 1
Pirkko Karvonen/Tess Stieben – March 29
Leah Wilson – April 12
Krysten Brooker – May 10
Dale Smith – May 24
Jerry Cordeiro – June 7
Nozomi Kamei – Sept. 20