Get Involved

There are many ways to serve others at Holy Trinity, and we invite you to explore ways to be involved! We likely have a ministry area that aligns with your passions, gifts, and abilities. If we currently do not have a ministry area that fits you, please let us know and we will try to create one! To volunteer to serve in a ministry area or to learn more about getting involved at Holy Trinity, please contact the Parish Administrator.
Ways to Get Involved for Sunday Services (or other services):
- Lectors: Read Scripture at a service.
- Intercessors: Lead the Prayers of the People at a service.
- Sidespeople: Greet parishioners and visitors entering the building, help people find seats, receive the offerings, etc.
- Lay Assistants: Assist the presiding priest during the service at various points. These include holding the processional cross during the opening of worship, holding the book during the proclamation of the Gospel, and helping distribute Communion.
- Choristers: Sing as a member of the choir.
- Bankers: Count the service offering and deposit at the bank.
- Sanctuary Guild: Set the altar for services and prepare the hanging and linens.
- Kid’s Church Teachers and Helpers
- Hospitality Hosting
Other Ways to Get Involved:
- Pastoral Connections Team: This team of parishioners prays for and visits people in need who may not be able to come in person.
- Hospitality: This team helps with funerals and other church events such as Maundy Thursday and Advent Lessons and Carols services. The Hospitality Team also does a deep clean of the two kitchens a few times per year.
- Building and Grounds Maintenance
- Rummage Sale
- Fringe Festival
- Concession Volunteers: Concession volunteers (especially those with Pro-Serve) are needed for events throughout the year including Open Stage, Fringe, and a host of other onsite events.
- Bissell Lunch Preparation