Ancient-Future Worship & Potluck is Moving!

As of Sunday January 5th the Ancient Futures Service will be joining with the same service at St. Augustines Anglican Church .  The services will be held every Sunday at 5pm followed by a potluck meal.  Come every week or come once a month.  Either way you are always welcome! If you require additional information please contact Deacon Sarah at or Rev. Jonathan Crane at

Service @ 5pm
Potluck ~ 6pm (bring what you wish!)

Timeless Traditions  :  Contemporary Music  :  The Living God

“We light a light in the name of the Maker, who lit the world and breathed the breath of life for us.”

Join us on second Sundays at 5 PM in the chancel for a fresh expression of an ancient faith. Gathered in the round, in a candlelight chapel with the smell of incense in the air we worship the mystery and discuss the relevance to our context as we we see, touch, move and feel the liturgy. The Celtic roots of the Iona-style liturgy are obvious in the Trinitarian symbols of candles and words.  The Gospel is presented in our midst and the homilist sits and engages us in wrestling with the words of the Spirit.  We pray for the world and for the community around us, confess our own sins of thought, word and deed:  things done and not done.  We then feel the cool sprinkle of the waters of the font, reminding us that we are the children of God with whom God is well-pleased.

“Look, the Bread of Heaven is broken for the life of the world.  Whoever eats this bread will live forever.”

We then gather in a circle and celebrate and share in the great thanksgiving.  As we eat we remember that this nourishment is to strengthen us was we go into the world to live out our lives shaped by the experience of the Christ within us. We then join together for some fellowship, in a pot-luck meal as we share community together.


“Christ’s food in our souls, Our food shared like His.
Christ’s life in our hands, Our lives shaped by His.
Christ’s love in our hearts, Our love warmed through His.
Christ’s peace on our path, Our path following His.”