Diocesan Day, October 19
You are invited us join with other Anglican’s across our Diocese for
“Diocesan Day” coming up on Saturday, October 19th, 9:30AM to 4:00PM,
right here at Holy Trinity. The topic will be “Leadership in Times of
Fear”, led by The Rev. Dr. Eric Law.
A healthy congregation always needs both strong lay
and ordained leadership. These leaders provide what Eric Law refers to as
Gracious Leadership. He refers to this as the ability to use skills,
tools, models and processes to create gracious environments (Grace Margin)
within which mutually respectful “relationships” and the discernment of the
“truth” across differences can be built internally, among existing members, and
externally, with non-members. Differences can be racial/ethnic, age, gender,
sexual orientation, class, political affiliation or just church members and
folks in the neighborhood.
At the Diocesan Day, Eric will introduce participants to the hands-on use of the skills and tools on new ways of being a gracious leader in diverse communities at a time when fear is being wielded as a means of suppression and exclusion. These skills will enhance participants’ abilities to be effective leaders of inclusive, sustainable/missional faith communities in the 21st century. The training lays the groundwork for incubating new sustainable/missional ministries and countering the culture of fear with a grace margin, where mutually respectful dialogue and healing can occur in the absence of fear.