Michaelmas Evensong, September 29
Michaelmas Evensong
Please join us on September 29th at 7:00PM for Evensong celebrating the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels.
Michaelmas, or the Feast of Michael and All Angels, is celebrated on the 29th of September every year. In the fifth century a basilica near Rome was dedicated in honour of St. Michael on September 30th, beginning with celebrations on the eve of that day, and September 29th is now kept in honour of St. Michael and all Angels throughout some western churches.
The Holy Trinity Choir will lead us in a beautiful service of Evensong. Services of Evensong are centered around reading from the Bible and singing the psalms and the canticles Magnificat and Nunc dimittis. The original liturgy for Evensong is found in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer in its different versions used around the world.
We hope you will be able to join us for this special service!