Rally Sunday!


Mark your calendar for Sept. 7, 2014.  That’s RALLY SUNDAY, the day that all of our Fall programming begins and the Choral program resumes at our 10:30 Eucharist. The Band will also be joining us again in the coming weeks on the third Sunday of each month.  Come and register for Kids Church, Youth Group, and hear the fabulous choir as it resumes after a well-derserved summer break.  Join us afterwards for fellowship and enjoy a great pancake breakfast following the 10:30am service! It  just doesn’t get better than this!



Would you like to volunteer to help make pancakes? Rev. Sarah Holmstrom is looking for any parishioners between the ages of 14 and 45 to come and flip some pancakes! Please contact her at 780-433-5530 or curate@holytrinity.ab.ca if you can help!