Easter is 50 Days
Alleluia, Christ is Risen! We are now in the midst of the fifty days of the Great Celebration of Easter which begins with the first celebration of Easter at the Easter Vigil and concludes with the final service on the Sunday of Pentecost (which means fifty). The Paschal candle,...
Church In The Nursery VI
NEXT EVENT: May 14th, 2011, 3:30-4:30pm “The Exodus” A Journey to Freedom Church In The Nursery is a monthly event for parents and kids together, hosted in the Upper Hall of Holy Trinity Anglican Church 10037-84th Avenue. The goal of Church In The Nursery is to provide a monthly...
The Easter Story (from Church In The Nursery)
The Easter Story Compiled for Church In The Nursery April 16, 2011, Edmonton, AB Rev. Jonathan Crane, Holy Trinity Anglican In the beginning there was only Love Nothing else But this kind of love is so mysterious and deep that it can’t exist on its own It is...
Bible Study on the Gospel of John
Meeting Wednesdays (or Tuesdays – see below) at 3:15 – Check this space for updated info. The first few weeks have been spent learning a simple method of Bible study. Now we are beginning to use that method to explore the Gospel of John. If you are wanting to...
Midday Prayer – noon on weekdays
Holy Trinity’s staff have begun to gather for a short (10min – but good) midday prayer weekdays. If you are around the church noonish you may be invited to join us! If you live or work near the church, consider dropping by to join in. (If for unforseen reasons...
Mission Day
The Anglican Diocese of Edmonton is hosting a series of Mission Days this month. The next one is in Vegreville more info on the diocesan website. See the poster here....
Adult Forum – an opportunity for growth
Have you ever had questions about a reading you heard in church on a Sunday? Did you ever wish you could ask the preacher a question about a point in the sermon? Are there spiritual questions you’d like to explore? If so, then come and join us each Sunday...
Advent: Waiting
Advent: A time when God breaks in on us.
The spirituality of Advent calls us to meditate on the Advent of Christ’s second coming, on the Advent of Christ’s physical birth and the Advent of his coming into our own lives. Sunday, November 28 marks the first Sunday of Advent, the first season of the new liturgical year....
Advent Seeds of Trust: Reflecting on the Bible in Silence and Song
Please join us for Advent meditations on Tuesday nights Nov. 30, Dec. 7 & 14 from 7-8 PM. An opportunity for guided meditation with selected Scripture and music in a relaxed and informal style similar to that found at the Taize Community in France. Come and move into a...