Tag: summer

Trinity Youth Art Project, July 6-8

The Trinity Youth Art Project will have a booth set up at the Whyte Ave At Walk July 6-8. Be sure to swing by, say hi, and support the youth with their art. Contact Clark for location info and any questions: hardy.clark.j@gmail.com...

Youth Event, July 27

Youth Event: Pizza, Pop, & Paint night! Calling all youth 11+ to join us as we gorge on pizza, sip back some pop, and paint some masterpieces to bring home! This event will take place on Friday, July 27th from 5 pm – 9 pm in the lower hall of HTAC....

Summer Fun, July 5-Sept 2 (Volunteers!)

Summer Fun: *Call for volunteers of all ages to help with fun, informal, summer programming for our kids here at HTAC, from July 5th-September 2nd while Kid’s Church is on break until September. Extra sets of hands are needed for outdoor games, sports, crafts and outings to the local...

Kid’s Church Year-end Picnic BBQ, June 17

Kid’s Church Year-end Picnic BBQ: (directly after 10:30 service). Outside, weather permitting. All parishioners of all ages welcome! This is a family friendly event designed to celebrate our children and recognize the hard work of our Kid’s church teachers. Volunteers needed food prep, grilling on BBQ, running games, face...