Tag: Worship

Holy Week 2016

An invitation to walk with Christ      Your neighbours at Holy Trinity Anglican Church request the honour of your presence at Holy Week Services, March 22 to 27, 2016. Please join with us as we seek to celebrate God’s love, to enjoy fellowship together, and to be reminded that God’s love in Christ makes all...

Ashes to Go

On February 10, 2016, Ash Wednesday, the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton will offer “Ashes to Go” – a new approach to a centuries-old Christian tradition. This is the sixth year the Edmonton diocese has joined an international movement to offer ashes, along with God’s love and mercy, to people at...


On January 6th we celebrate the Christian feast day known as Epiphany.  Epiphany, from the Greek ἐπιφάνεια, means “manifestation”.  The purpose of the feast is to celebrate the revelation of the Incarnation – God taking on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.  The coming of the Magi is...

Community Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols

Lessons and Carols Sunday, November 29th, 2015 6:00PM The Festival of Lessons & Carols has been a tradition at Holy Trinity for quite some time.  But it is an even older and more widespread tradition than simply that of a Canadian Anglican parish in Edmonton.  It is a world-wide...

Back to Church Sunday 2014

  On September 28th we will be joining Christians throughout the Diocese of Edmonton and around the world in inviting friends to worship with them that Sunday. There is a proven benefit in the blessings of sharing our faith through inviting friends to worship with us that we have all...

Blessing of the Animals – Feast of St. Francis

 Join us for the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday Oct. 5 @ 2:30 PM. Please bring your household pets (stuffies too) down to Holy Trinity for the annual Blessing of the Animals in celebration of the Feast of St. Francis.  All are Welcome! O Lord, who has...

Saints Eucharist and Study

The Thursday morning ‘Saints Eucharist’ from 10 to 10:22 followed by a small group study and refreshments will resume on Thursday’s, beginning September 11. The study for the next 12 weeks will be ‘Saving Jesus Redux’. More about the study: “Ever feel like Jesus has been kidnapped by the...

Rally Sunday!

Mark your calendar for Sept. 7, 2014.  That’s RALLY SUNDAY, the day that all of our Fall programming begins and the Choral program resumes at our 10:30 Eucharist. The Band will also be joining us again in the coming weeks on the third Sunday of each month.  Come and...

Linnea Good: Singing, Storytelling & Sharing our Faith

Linnea Good Singing, Storytelling and Sharing our Faith 9 am to 12 noon, 5 to 7 pm July 19, 2014 Holy Trinity Anglican Church 10037 84 Avenue, Edmonton 9am: Leader’s Workshop – Creative Ways of Using the Bible with All Ages 5pm: All Age Event – A Supper Play-Shop of...

Holy Trinity Women’s Retreat

Holy Trinity Women’s Retreat You are specially invited to attend the Holy Trinity Anglican Church Women’s Retreat! Friday, September 12 to Sunday, September 14, 2014 at Mulhurst Lutheran Camp in Pigeon Lake. Come and spend a weekend with the women of our church as we reflect, relax, kayak on...