Welcoming back the Fringe Festival!

Fringe at Holy Trinity is coming soon!

We are hosting 5 plays in the church during Fringe this year, from August 11-21, and WE NEED YOU!

There are volunteer opportunities for The Green Room Tea Room, selling tickets before each show, ushering, selling concession for Lower Hall plays, helping Fr. Chris on his lemonade stand (especially youth or youthful types!), and providing a quiet presence in the Sanctuary during the afternoons. We are also feeding hungry actors, as we have for the past few years, providing them with welcome sustenance (snacks) in the upstairs fridge for their time in the Upper Hall between shows.

If you are interested, please sign up on the big Fringe Board O’Fun downstairs for the shifts that suit you. Not sure? Ask Darlene or Dwane Kunitz, Adam or Morgan Conway, Andrea Hamilton, Frank Burgess, Gailene Shaw, Elizabeth Art, Suzanne or David Connell …there are lots of seasoned HTAC Fringe vets!