Appointment of a Rector at Holy Trinity!

On December 8, 2020, the Wardens of Holy Trinity are happy to announce that The Right Reverend Jane Alexander, Bishop of Edmonton has appointed the Reverend Danielle Key as Rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, effective January 1, 2021.
This culminates the search we started earlier this year, beginning with visioning sessions in June and July, posting of the Parish Profile across Canada and beyond in September, and response reviews and interviews in November. The Search Committee unanimously agreed that Reverend Danielle stood out from other respondents as the best person to lead our church through the coming seasons of ministry.
Thank you to all the members of the Search Committee, and to the Very Rev. Neil Gordon for acting as our Interim Priest throughout the transition.
John de Haan – Rector’s Warden and Gloria Letwin – People’s Warden