Huge Rummage Sale!
The Rummage Sa
le is Coming!
Work starts after the 10:30 service on April 24 and continues throughout the week.
Lots of help will be needed to set up on April 24. Remember – many hands make light work!
Sale times: April 29, 6-9PM & April 30, 9:30 to 2PM
You Can Donate: Clothing – clean, in good shape, Household goods including kitchenware, china, linens, Books, puzzles, games, toys, Small furniture, small appliances, hardware, gardening tools, sports equipment, Jewelry, pictures, yarn, baskets, Baking to sell on Friday night, Just about anything except computers, baby cribs and equipment. If you have large furniture, please check with us first to make arrangements.
Please drop off your rummage no sooner than Sunday, April 24 and no later than NOON on Wednesday, April 27.
You can HELP: There is a job for everyone! Please help out – for an hour, for the whole week. It’s fun! Sign-up sheets are in the Lower Hall.