Fringe Festival 2015
The Edmonton Fringe Festival comes to Holy Trinity! August 13 to 23, 2015 At Holy Trinity, our desire is to “make Christ visible through the arts”, and we work to implement that through various activities all year round, including The Edmonton International Fringe Festival. Come and join...
Linnea Good and David Jonsson Coming to Edmonton
Linnea Good and David Jonsson coming to Edmonton Saturday and Sunday, April 25 and 26 Workshop: When: Saturday, April 25 from 10:00AM to 2:00PM Where: Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 10014 81 Ave., Edmonton What: A Worship-full, Play-full, Relevant and Reverent Workshop for All-Ages with song, story-telling and worship wisdom....
Holy Week 2016
An invitation to walk with Christ Your neighbours at Holy Trinity Anglican Church request the honour of your presence at Holy Week Services, March 22 to 27, 2016. Please join with us as we seek to celebrate God’s love, to enjoy fellowship together, and to be reminded that God’s love in Christ makes all...
Teddy Bear Picnic
Teddy Bear Picnic People of all ages are invited to join us for a Teddy Bear Picnic following the 10:30am service on Sunday, October 5th. Bring along a picnic lunch, a blanket to sit on, and your favourite stuffed animal friends, and join us outside on the green (or in...
Rally Sunday!
Mark your calendar for Sept. 7, 2014. That’s RALLY SUNDAY, the day that all of our Fall programming begins and the Choral program resumes at our 10:30 Eucharist. The Band will also be joining us again in the coming weeks on the third Sunday of each month. Come and...
Linnea Good: Singing, Storytelling & Sharing our Faith
Linnea Good Singing, Storytelling and Sharing our Faith 9 am to 12 noon, 5 to 7 pm July 19, 2014 Holy Trinity Anglican Church 10037 84 Avenue, Edmonton 9am: Leader’s Workshop – Creative Ways of Using the Bible with All Ages 5pm: All Age Event – A Supper Play-Shop of...
Children’s Faith Formation
Advance Notice For parents (and grandparents?) of children 0-15 You are invited to a meeting on Saturday, Jan. 25, at 10am in the lower hall. Bernice Stieva and I will introduce the notion of using quality children’s books as part of family routines with a view to enhancing children’s...
Old Tyme Neighbourhood Fair
100th Anniversary Old Tyme Neighbourhood Fair Saturday, September 14th 1:30PM to 4:00PM at Holy Trinity Anglican Church 10037 84th Avenue, Edmonton Inside: There is be an old tyme tea room, white elephant stall, linens and things stall and produce stall. There will also be a “Best in Show” produce...
The Fringe @ Holy Trinity: Trolls & Tribulations
Trolls & Tribulations Three lively stories from Norway performed by 20 talented young actor/raconteurs acting, dancing and singing their way into your hearts. Tatterhood: Unusual birth begets unusual princess who flaunts conventions and takes on a pack of trolls with her twin sister and beloved goat. The Wolf Sings: A...
Epiphany Festival Sunday
Kid’s and Parents – A reminder that Sunday January 27th, 2013 is a Festival Sunday. It’s the season of Epiphany which means we are celebrating that Jesus did not come only for a small group of people, or to one nation, but to all people in their own...