Advent Bible Study

Advent Bible Study

November 15, 2022


Have you ever noticed that the readings for Advent don't seem to really, at least at initial glance, fit the theme of Advent? Have you ever noticed that they don't seem very anticipatory, celebratory, or even, sometimes, preparatory? Join Rev. Danielle on Zoom for four Tuesday evenings at 7pm as we read and discuss our Old and New Testament readings for Advent! All that's required is YOU and your favourite Bible - the more translations the merrier!

November 1 - Isaiah 2:1-5 and Romans 13:11-14
November 8 - Isaiah 11:1-10 and Romans 15:4-13
November 15 - Isaiah 35:1-10 and James 5:7-10
November 29 - Isaiah 7:10-16 and Romans 1:1-7
*Please note the one week break on November 22 as Rev. Danielle is taking a week for holidays*

For the Zoom link information, please contact the church office.

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