Midday Prayer – noon on weekdays

Holy Trinity’s staff have begun to gather for a short (10min – but good) midday prayer weekdays.  If you are around the church noonish you may be invited to join us!  If you live or work near the church, consider dropping by to join in. (If for unforseen reasons staff are not in the church at that moment, feel free to go ahead on your own, the cards are in the cabinet in the Upper Hall)

We begin with 5min of silent meditation on the name of God and continue with the midday prayer of the Northumbria community, which can be found here.

If you can’t come by the church, consider doing a short prayer like this at your desk, at home or wherever you find yourself.  It is one way to remind us of and participate in God’s goodness to us (our very breath) in the midst of daily work.

file: Midday Prayer card