Praying with Icons

51BqHzb9TXL._SX355_BO1,204,203,200_Join us for a five week long study on Praying With Icons. This study is based on the book Behold the Beauty of the Lord by Henri Nouwen.

The classes will take place at Holy Trinity on Monday evenings at 7:00pm on October 19, November 2, 9, 16 and 23. Please note no class on October 26. 

You can also take part in the class on Thursday mornings at 10:30am on November 5, 12, 19, 26, and December 3.

In four chapters, Nouwen introduces readers to four of the most recognizable icons in the Christian tradition: The Holy Trinity, The Virgin of Vladimir, The Savior of Zvenigorod, and The Descent of the Holy Spirit. The book records Nouwen’s reflections on each of these icons, from his first reactions (often notably unspiritual and attentive to superficial details) to his personal meditations after prayerful and prolonged encounters with the images.